And having more bone cells means improved blood production, which means a higher oxygen carrying capacity, and better immune reaction and better wound clotting. 产生更多骨化细胞意味着造血力的提高,这可以提高运氧能力,并且增强免疫反应和血液凝结力。
A mouse study found that endurance exercise influenced mesenchymal stem cells to turn into bone rather than into fat cells, leading to more oxygen carrying capacity and better immune function. 一项对老鼠的研究发现,耐久力训练会影响间叶干细胞转化成骨质而非脂肪细胞,这使得运氧容量的增加和抵抗力的增强。
In addition, increases in these red blood cell measures also significantly correlated with increases in peak oxygen capacity. 除此以外,红细胞增加的值与机体峰值氧摄取量有显著相关性。
Winterborn babies tend to have higher oxygen capacity, which increases soccer stamina. 冬天出生的孩子氧容量高,因此踢足球的耐力好。
Raman Spectroscopy-Based Study of the Discrimination and Oxygen Carrying Capacity of Thalassemia Erythrocytes 基于拉曼光谱的地中海贫血红细胞判别和携氧功能研究
Coming to alveolar, these ions will promote the alveolar mucosa cilia movement to improve the function of lung ventilation, and improve the blood flow and oxygen capacity. 负氧离子到达肺泡时,促进肺泡粘膜上的纤毛运动,改善肺部的换气功能,提高血流量和携氧能力。
Exercise therapy at the intensity of anaerobic threshold can improve oxygen capacity and exercise tolerance. 无氧阈强度运动治疗能有效地提高慢性缺血性心脏病患者的氧代谢水平和运动耐受力。
Investigation of Structure of Nd-doped ZnO and La-doped ZnO Thin Films Influence of neodymia doping on the oxygen storage capacity of CeO_2-ZrO_2 mixed oxides 钕、镧掺杂氧化锌薄膜的制备及形貌钕掺杂对铈锆复合氧化物储氧性能的影响
Oxygen storage materials which have high surface areas and super oxygen storage property were precipitated by ammonium carbonate, and its'phase, oxygen storage capacity, surface area et al. 以碳酸铵为沉淀剂制备一系列高比表面积、高储氧性能的储氧材料,表征了其物相组成,同时对其储氧性能和比表面积进行了测定。
It was found that both the heights and position of the specific peaks in the absorption spectra of intercellular hemoglobin were changed with temperature, indicating that the oxygen carrying capacity of red blood cells varies with temperature. 发现人红细胞内血红蛋白吸收峰的高度和位置均随环境温度的变化而变化,表明人红细胞的携氧能力与温度密切相关。
Homogeneous precipitation method and common precipitation method are applied to prepare ceria-zirconia solid solutions, study the influence of preparation methods on crystal structure, specific surface area and oxygen storage capacity of ceria-zirconia solid solutions. 分别采用均匀沉淀法和共沉淀法制备了铈锆氧化物固溶体,研究了制备方法对铈锆氧化物固溶体的晶体结构、比表面积以及储氧能力的影响。
Both 12 week exercise-included changes in weight, the size of abdomen and buttocks, fat rate, rest heart rate, 12-minute running distance, VO_2 max the maximum oxygen capacity, serum lipid, blood insulin and adrenaline were observed. 观察运动康复训练12周前后安静状态下的体重、腹围、臀围、体脂率、安静心率、12分钟跑距离、最大吸氧量、血脂及血胰岛素、肾上腺素的变化。
The blood oxygen capacity raised by an average of 14% after operation. 术后血氧饱和度平均升高14%。
At the end of 12 weeks circular resistance training, the height and body mass, basic heart rate, blood pressure, waistline, hip circumference, fat rate, maximum oxygen capacity, and content of lipid and blood insulin were measured. 12周的抗阻训练后测定身高、体质量、心率、血压、腰围、臀围、体脂率、最大吸氧量、血糖、血脂。
Practice and Effect of Assurance Measures of Oxygen Capacity 氧气产能不足保产措施的实践与效果
The spring emboli were used at most 44 and at less 12.All patients were followed up for 2 years, and the blood oxygen capacity stabilized between 90% and 97%. 释放弹簧栓子数最多44枚,最少12枚。经2年随访,血氧饱和度稳定在90%~97%。
Its crystal structure, specific surface area, pore size distribution, oxygen storage capacity ( OSC) and redox behavior were investigated by X-ray diffraction, BET, oxygen pulse adsorption and H_ ( 2)-temperature programmed reduction ( H_ ( 2)-TPR). 采用X射线衍射、BET、氧脉冲吸附和H2程序升温还原(H2-TPR)等技术对材料的晶体结构、比表面积、孔结构、储氧性能和还原性能进行了研究。
As the key components and supports of the TWCs, Oxygen storage materials 'textural properties, oxygen storage capacity and their thermal stabilities have' great effects on the performance of the catalyst. 储氧材料作为汽车尾气净化催化剂的关键组分和载体,其织构性能和储氧性能及其抗老化性对催化剂的净化效果起着至关重要的作用。
Glutathione content and oxygen capacity in whole blood of normal Chinese adults and patients with gynecological cancer 我国正常成人和妇科癌肿患者的全血谷胱甘肽含量和氧容量
The treatment with high pressure oxygen is to increase the blood oxygen capacity and tension of the body so that the distance of oxygen diffusion in the myocardial tissues can be improved. 高压氧治疗就是使机体的血氧含量增加,血氧张力提高,进而增加心肌组织内氧的林弥散距离。
The higher the oxygen content is, the higher the oxygen dissolution capacity of the solution. 溶液的溶氧量与电气石组分中氧元素的含量有关,氧元素含量越高,溶液中的溶氧量越大。
METHODS Porcine hemoglobin was modified with DBBF, and the influence of DBBF on its advanced structure and oxygen carrying capacity was studied. 方法使用DBBF选择性修饰脱氧猪血红蛋白,分析其对猪血红蛋白的高级结构和携氧能力的影响。
Peeping into the structure of erythrocyte and hemoglobin would make human understand the oxygen carrying capacity of erythrocyte and the pathology of red blood cells disease, which provided the theoretical basis for diagnosis and treatment. 研究红细胞及其血红蛋白的结构和功能有助于深入了解红细胞的携氧功能甚至血液疾病的病理,为诊断和治疗提供理论依据。
Especially one-dimensional CeO2 nanostructure with larger BET specific surface area and oxygen storage capacity played more advantages. 尤其是一维纳米结构CeO2常因具有较大的比表面积和储氧能力发挥了更多的优势。
This study combined LTRS technology with gas control device to peep the oxygen carrying capacity of red blood cells. 激光镊子共焦显微拉曼光谱与气体控制装置相结合,窥视红细胞的携氧能力。
Explained that the altitude training can reduce blood viscosity, improve erythrocyte deformation and enhance the body of oxygen transport capacity. 说明高原训练可以降低血液黏度,提高红细胞的变形性,增强机体氧运输能力。
After4weeks 'training, Hb level in the mice of each group increased, suggesting that long-term aerobic training promotes to improve the transport oxygen capacity. 4. 4周训练后,各组小鼠Hb增高,提示长期有氧训练有助于提高血液的氧运输能力。
Hemin is iron protoporphyrin IX, which as an important component of blood proteins can provide oxygen carrying capacity. 氯化高铁血红素(hemin)即含铁原卟啉Ⅸ,它是提供血红蛋白携氧能力的重要成分。
The oxygen saturation of blood is an important animal and human physiological indicators. It is the important parameters of the respiratory system, blood oxygen transport capacity, metabolic and others. 血氧饱和度(SpO2)是动物和人体的重要生理指标,它是呼吸系统、血管运输氧的能力、新陈代谢等的重要参数。
Since producing hydrogen capacity is far superior to producing oxygen capacity for the cuprous oxide, the research about it focuses mainly on hydrogen evolution reaction. Little study is drawn on oxygen evolution reaction. 由于氧化亚铜制备氢气能力远远优于制备氧气能力,因此关于它的研究主要集中在制氢能力的研究,甚少研究它的制氧能力。